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Medical Accident

Spring-Summer 2016 Inés Fresedo X Lihua Chen Medical Accident series is inspired by four mixed media works in a set entitled Medical Malpractice, which aims to present a process of inner transcendence. Medical Malpractice No. 1 is “treatment”, a change because of the dilemma. Whether active or passive, it happens at a certain stage of consciousness; Medical Malpractice No. 2 is “illusion”, a symbol of an overwhelming negative emotion arising during the struggle; Medical Malpractice No. 3 is “transcendence”, a brilliant world outside of the cave, like a spiritual hike. Both No. 2 and No. 3 are in a state of disorientation and illusion; Medical Malpractice No. 4 is “reality”, a kind of return, where nothing seems changed. However, the mountain is no longer the mountain earlier, yet it’s still a mountain. Sometimes changes may not develop in a preset direction, and unwanted things or “accidents” may happen in the process. But from a macro point of view, this may not necessarily be bad.

Inés Fresedo Medical Accident series is also designed in four parts: “Fragmentation”, “Illusion”, “Reconstruction” and “Return”. “Fragmentation” refers to changes and contingency caused by necessity. The costumes and music are dark and gloomy in this part and the theme music is also composed in four movements, signifying the four stages during the evolution of humanity. Humans have “three natures”: beasts, humans, and gods. The four movements of music tell a story of transforming from “the nature of beasts”, “the struggle of humans”, and “the victory of humanity” to “the divinity of gods”. The pure dark of the first movement “Fragmentation” symbolizes the door of the beast cage. A living being is trapped and lingers on with the last breath. What restrains his soul is the fleshy body or form, which is known as a dilemma. Unable to break through from within, he is unsettled. “Let me stop!” He wants to change and remedy. At last, perhaps due to the external power, or the self-breakthrough, he is changed starting from the form, which creates the possibility to be cured and reconstructed, no matter whether he is willing or not. The model in black in this show is an outcast and a symbol. He breaks the beast and releases the soul. The Medical Malpractice is an “accident” and a chance of rescue. 

In the second part “Illusion”, the spirit, freed from physical bondage, begins to enter a state of unconsciousness and disorientation, accompanied by hallucinatory chants, which are human voices against music. In the third part “Reconstruction”, the morning light appears. Humanity triumphs in the struggle, and the body begins to be reconstructed. The costumes continue the printed pattern of the second part, while the sense of relaxation is enhanced. The fourth part “Return” contains a light relief. The past has passed away, and what happened has already gone. Costumes in this part are in pure white, to echo the theme of transiting from “black” to “white”, from darkness to light. In the final scene, the broken parts covered up on the emergency bed are the abandoned past and burdens. From there comes a completely new start.

2016春夏Inés Fresedo  X Lihua Chen Medical Accident系列靈感來源於藝術家的一套四幅綜合材料作品《醫療事故》。原作要表達的是一個強調内在超越的過程,No.1是“救治”,對於困境,不管是主動還是被動,到了意識的一定階段改變不得不開始;No.是“幻覺”,一個掙扎過程中強大的負面情緒出現的象徵;No.3是“超脫”,走出洞穴后的燦爛世界,作精神的遠足,2與3皆處於迷離的幻之狀態中;No.4是“現實”,是一種回歸,也許看起來什麽也沒有改變,甚至更甚,但其實早已見山不是山,見山亦是山了。有時候改變可能不由預先設定好的方向發展,過程中甚至會出現完全不願意看到事情發生,謂之:“事故”,可是以大爲看,這未必不是不好。

Inés Fresedo Medical Accident系列同樣分為四個部分:“破碎”、“幻象”、“重組”、“回歸”。“破碎”代表着改變,必然性引起的偶發性。這部分的服裝是黑暗的,配樂也是。這次秀場的主題配樂也以四個樂章,分別闡釋了人性演化的四個階段。人皆有“三性”:獸性、人性、與神性。音樂的四個樂章講述了一個從“獸性”到“人性的掙扎”再到“人性的勝利”最後上升到“神性”的故事。第一部分“破碎”的純黑象征着第一樂章的困獸鬥,一個有生命的機體其實是被桎梏住的,他在籠子裡苟延殘喘,困住他靈魂的或者是一個肉身或者是一個形式,這就是所謂的困境。他無法自己從內部突破,所以他躁動不安,“let me stop!”他要改變,要療愈。後來,也許是外來力量,也許是自我突破,不管他願不願意,他被改變了,從形態開始,他有了治愈重組的可能。秀場上那位手握錘子的黑衣人在芸芸眾生的社會性中就是一個異類,一個象征,他擊碎困獸,使之魂靈得到釋放。“醫療事故”,那個人是“事故”也是一個挽救的契機。


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